

Foundations of a Philosophy of Collective Intelligence

14 years 3 months ago
Foundations of a Philosophy of Collective Intelligence
Philosophy, artificial intelligence and cognitive science have long been dominated by the presupposition that intelligence is fundamentally individual. Recent work in cognitive science clearly undermines that notion. Increasingly, intelligence is seen not as having its locus in the individual, but in the network of relationships that the individual has with the external world and other individuals. At the same time, there has been an increasing neo-Heideggerian focus on the role of embodiment and anti-representationalism, as shown by work ranging from robotics to dynamical systems. While philosophers are carefully trying to justify this development, the most significant computational phenomenon by far - the World Wide Web is a veritable explosion of representations. In its latest stage, the Web has become increasingly more the realm of representations used for social real-time co-ordination, as a tool for "collective intelligence." In order to make sense of these developments...
Harry Halpin
Added 12 Oct 2010
Updated 12 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where AISB
Authors Harry Halpin
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