

Foundations of SPARQL Query Optimization

14 years 9 months ago
Foundations of SPARQL Query Optimization
We study fundamental aspects related to the efficient processing of the SPARQL query language for RDF, proposed by the W3C to encode machine-readable information in the Semantic Web. Our key contributions are (i) a complete complexity analysis for all operator fragments of the SPARQL query language, which ? as a central result ? shows that the SPARQL operator OPTIONAL alone is responsible for the PSPACE-completeness of the evaluation problem, (ii) a study of equivalences over SPARQL algebra, including both rewriting rules like filter and projection pushing that are wellknown from relational algebra optimization as well as SPARQLspecific rewriting schemes, and (iii) an approach to the semantic optimization of SPARQL queries, built on top of the classical chase algorithm. While studied in the context of a theoretically motivated set semantics, almost all results carry over to the official, bag-based semantics and therefore are of immediate practical relevance. Categories and Subject Des...
Michael Schmidt, Michael Meier, Georg Lausen
Added 01 Mar 2010
Updated 02 Mar 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where ICDT
Authors Michael Schmidt, Michael Meier, Georg Lausen
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