

Four Approaches to Automated Reasoning with Differential Algebraic Structures

14 years 4 months ago
Four Approaches to Automated Reasoning with Differential Algebraic Structures
While implementing a proof for the Basic Perturbation Lemma (a central result in Homological Algebra) in the theorem prover Isabelle one faces problems such as the implementation of algebraic structures, partial functions in a logic of total functions, or the level of abstraction in formal proofs. Different approaches aiming at solving these problems will be evaluated and classified according to features such as the degree of mechanization obtained or the direct correspondence to the mathematical proofs. From this study, an environment for further developments in Homological Algebra will be proposed.
Jesús Aransay, Clemens Ballarin, Julio Rubi
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where AISC
Authors Jesús Aransay, Clemens Ballarin, Julio Rubio
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