

FPGA-Based Discrete Wavelet Transforms System

14 years 5 months ago
FPGA-Based Discrete Wavelet Transforms System
Although FPGA technology offers the potential of designing high performance systems at low cost, its programming model is prohibitively low level. To allow a novice signal/image processing end-user to benefit from this devices, the level of design abstraction needs to be raised. This approach will help the application developer to focus on signal/image processing algorithms rather than on low-level designs and implementations. This paper presents a framework for an FPGA-based Discrete Wavelet Transform system. The approach helps the end-user to generate FPGA configurations for DWT at a high level without any knowledge of the low-level design styles and architectures.
Mokhtar Nibouche, Ahmed Bouridane, Fionn Murtagh,
Added 28 Jul 2010
Updated 28 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Where FPL
Authors Mokhtar Nibouche, Ahmed Bouridane, Fionn Murtagh, Omar Nibouche
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