

A Framework for Access Methods for Versioned Data

15 years 3 months ago
A Framework for Access Methods for Versioned Data
This paper presents a framework for understanding and constructing access methods for versioned data. Records are associated with version ranges in a version tree. A minimal representation for the end set of a version range is given. We show how, within a page, a compact representation of a record can be made using start version of the version range only. Current-version splits, version-and-key splits and consolidations are explained. These operations preserve an invariant which allows visiting only one page at each level of the access method when doing exact-match search (no backtracking). Splits and consolidations also enable efficient stabbing queries by clustering data alive at a given version into a small number of data pages. Last, we survey the methods in the literature to show in what ways they conform or do not conform to our framework. These methods include temporal access methods, branched versioning access methods and spatio-temporal access methods. Our contribution is not...
Betty Salzberg, Linan Jiang, David B. Lomet, Manue
Added 08 Dec 2009
Updated 08 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where EDBT
Authors Betty Salzberg, Linan Jiang, David B. Lomet, Manuel Barrena García, Jing Shan, Evangelos Kanoulas
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