

A Framework to Create Performance Indicators in Knowledge Management

14 years 5 months ago
A Framework to Create Performance Indicators in Knowledge Management
Knowledge management (KM) is emerging as one of the most powerful management tools in today's manufacturing. It looks at the company resources in order to gain competitive advantage. The management of these resources can mean the difference between success and failure in a competitive environment. This encourages companies to look for better ways in the management of these intangible assets, developing KM projects in order to provide KM solutions to solve knowledge bottlenecks through Knowledge processes. However, if KM solutions are considered as an important part in today's businesses, they should be under the same controls as other management solutions, implying that Knowledge management solutions should be monitored as traditional solutions in order to assess the impact on the business objectives.
Rajkumar Roy, Francisco M. del Rey, Bert van Wegen
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where PAKM
Authors Rajkumar Roy, Francisco M. del Rey, Bert van Wegen, Andy Steele
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