

A Framework for Game-Based Security Proofs

14 years 8 months ago
A Framework for Game-Based Security Proofs
Abstract. To be accepted, a cryptographic scheme must come with a proof that it satisfies some standard security properties. However, because cryptographic schemes are based on non-trivial mathematics, proofs are error-prone and difficult to check. The main contributions of this paper are a refinement of the game-based approach to security proofs, and its implementation on top of the proof assistant Coq. The proof assistant checks that the proof is correct and deals with the mundane part of the proof. An interesting feature of our framework is that our proofs are formal enough to be mechanically checked, but still readable enough to be humanly checked. We illustrate the use of our framework by proving in a systematic way the so-called semantic security of the encryption scheme Elgamal and its hashed version.
David Nowak
Added 08 Jun 2010
Updated 08 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors David Nowak
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