Synchronous specifications are appealing in the design of large scale hardware and software systems because of their properties that facilitate verification and synthesis. When the target architecture is a distributed system, implementing a synchronous specification as a synchronous design may be inefficient in terms of both size (memory for software implementations or area for hardware implementations) and performance. A more elaborate implementation style where the basic synchronous paradigm is adapted to distributed architectures by introducing elements of asynchrony is, hence, highly desirable. Building on the tagged-signal model, we present a modeling for the distributed deployment of synchronous design. We offer a comparative exposition of various design approaches (synchronous, asynchronous, GALS, latency-insensitive, and synchronous programming) and we provide some insight on the role of signal absence in modeling synchronization in distributed concurrent systems. Finally, we c...
Luca P. Carloni, Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentell