

A framework for named entity recognition in the open domain

14 years 1 months ago
A framework for named entity recognition in the open domain
In this paper, a system for Named Entity Recognition in the Open domain (NERO) is described. It is concerned with recognition of various types of entity, types that will be appropriate for Information Extraction in any scenario context. The recognition task is performed by identifying normally capitalised phrases in a document and then submitting queries to a search engine to find potential hypernyms of the capitalised sequences. These hypernyms are then clustered to derive a typology of named entities for the document. The hypernyms of the normally capitalised phrases are used to classify them with respect to this typology. The method is tested on a small corpus and its classifications are evaluated. Finally, conclusions are drawn and future work considered.
Richard J. Evans
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Richard J. Evans
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