

A Framework for Protocol Composition in Horus

14 years 5 months ago
A Framework for Protocol Composition in Horus
The Horus system supports a communication architecture ats protocols as instances of an abstract data type. This approach encourages developers to partition complex protocols into simple microprotocols, each of which is implemented by a protocol layer. Protocol layers can be stacked on top of each other in a variety of ways, at run-time. First, we describe the classes of protocols that can be supported this way. Next, we present the Horus object model that we designed for this technology, and the interface between the layers that makes it all work. We then present an example layer that implements a group membership protocol. Next, we show how, given a set of required properties, an appropriate stack can be constructed. We look at an example stack of protocols, which provides fault-tolerant, totally ordered communication between a group of processes. The work contributes a standard framework for protocol development and experimentation, provides a high performance implementation of the...
Robbert van Renesse, Kenneth P. Birman, Roy Friedm
Added 26 Aug 2010
Updated 26 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1995
Where PODC
Authors Robbert van Renesse, Kenneth P. Birman, Roy Friedman, Mark Hayden, David A. Karr
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