

Framework for Querying Distributed Objects Managed by a Grid Infrastructure

14 years 8 months ago
Framework for Querying Distributed Objects Managed by a Grid Infrastructure
Queries over scientific data often imply expensive analyses of data requiring a lot of computational resources available in Grids. We are developing a customizable query processor built on top of an established Grid infrastructure, the NorduGrid middleware, and have implemented a framework for managing long running queries in Grid environment. With the framework the user does not specify the detailed job and parallelization descriptions required by NorduGrid. Instead s/he specifies queries in terms of an application-oriented schema describing contents of files managed by the Grid and accessed through wrappers. When a query is received by the system it generates NorduGrid job descriptions submitted to NorduGrid for execution. The framework considers limitations of NorduGrid. It includes a submission mechanism, a job babysitter, and a generic data exchange mechanism. The submission mechanism generates a number of jobs for parallel execution of a user query over wrapped data files. Th...
Ruslan Fomkin, Tore Risch
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where DMG
Authors Ruslan Fomkin, Tore Risch
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