

A framework for testing query transformation rules

15 years 1 days ago
A framework for testing query transformation rules
In order to enable extensibility, modern query optimizers typically leverage a transformation rule based framework. Testing individual rule correctness as well as correctness of rule interactions is crucial in verifying the functionality of a query optimizer. While there has been a lot of work on how to architect optimizers for extensibility using a rule based framework, there has been relatively little work on how to test such optimizers. In this paper we present a framework for testing query transformation rules which enables: (a) efficient generation of queries that exercise a particular transformation rule or a set of rules and (b) efficient execution of corresponding test suites for correctness testing. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.2.4 [Database Systems]: Query Processing General Terms Algorithms, Measurement, Performance. Keywords Database Testing, Query Optimization, Transformation rules
Hicham G. Elmongui, Vivek R. Narasayya, Ravishanka
Added 05 Dec 2009
Updated 05 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Hicham G. Elmongui, Vivek R. Narasayya, Ravishankar Ramamurthy
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