

A Framework for Visual Servoing

14 years 7 months ago
A Framework for Visual Servoing
We consider typical manipulation tasks in terms of a service robot framework. Given a task at hand, such as ”Pick up the cup from the dinner table”, we present a number of different visual systems required to accomplish the task. A standard robot platform with a PUMA560 on the top is used for experimental evaluation. The classical approach-align-grasp idea is used to design a manipulation system. Here, both visual and tactile feedback is used to accomplish the given task. In terms of image processing, we start by a recognition system which provides a 2D estimate of the object position in the image. Thereafter, a 2D tracking system is presented and used to maintain the object in the field of view during an approach stage. For the alignment stage, two systems are available. The first is a model based tracking system that estimates the complete pose/velocity of the object. The second system is based on corner matching and estimates homography between two images. In terms of tactile ...
Danica Kragic, Henrik I. Christensen
Added 07 Jul 2010
Updated 07 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where ICVS
Authors Danica Kragic, Henrik I. Christensen
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