

Framing Virtual Interactivity between Government and Citizens: A Study of Feedback Systems in the Chicago Police Department

14 years 5 months ago
Framing Virtual Interactivity between Government and Citizens: A Study of Feedback Systems in the Chicago Police Department
This paper considers the current efforts to describe the effect of Internet-based technology on interactivity between citizens and public organizations to be incomplete and poorly linked. This paper develops a model of interactivity that reflects the self-organization potential of virtual communication and the social context within which citizens and bureaucrats operate. The model helps us to identify ways in which different levels of feedback communication, e.g., email, may affect change in organizations, communities, and the relationship between organizations and communities. A case analysis of the Chicago Police Department’s (CPD) Citizen ICAM is reviewed to determine the effects of feedback and the technology on the organization. We find that virtual interactivity is a complex process – more complex than typically described – that has significant effects on the structure and work processes of the CPD. We conclude by proposing a staged model of citizen-government interactivit...
Shelley Fulla, Eric W. Welch
Added 14 Jul 2010
Updated 14 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Authors Shelley Fulla, Eric W. Welch
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