

Free-Form Object Reconstruction from Silhouettes, Occluding Edges and Texture Edges: A Unified and Robust Operator Based on Dual

14 years 11 days ago
Free-Form Object Reconstruction from Silhouettes, Occluding Edges and Texture Edges: A Unified and Robust Operator Based on Dual
In this paper, the duality in differential form is developed between a 3D primal surface and its dual manifold formed by the surface's tangent planes, i.e., each tangent plane of the primal surface is represented as a four-dimensional vector which constitutes a point on the dual manifold. The iterated dual theorem shows that each tangent plane of the dual manifold corresponds to a point on the original 3D surface, i.e., the "dual" of the "dual" goes back to the "primal". This theorem can be directly used to reconstruct 3D surface from image edges by estimating the dual manifold from these edges. In this paper we further develop the work in our original conference papers resulting in the robust differential dual operator. We argue that the operator makes good use of the information available in the image data, by using both points of intensity discontinuity and their edge directions; we provide a simple physical tation of what the abstract algorithm i...
Shubao Liu, Kongbin Kang, Jean-Philippe Tarel, Dav
Added 14 Dec 2010
Updated 17 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where PAMI
Authors Shubao Liu, Kongbin Kang, Jean-Philippe Tarel, David B. Cooper
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