

Freehand Ultrasound Reconstruction Based on ROI Prior Modeling and Normalized Convolution

15 years 21 days ago
Freehand Ultrasound Reconstruction Based on ROI Prior Modeling and Normalized Convolution
3D freehand ultrasound imaging is becoming a widespread technique in medical examinations. This imaging technique produces a set of irregularly spaced B-scans. Reconstructing a regular grid from these B-scans is a challenging problem that enables the visualization and further analysis of the acquired data. This paper focuses on extending an existing method [1] to define the output reconstruction grid based on principal component analysis (PCA). Our method introduces a model for the region of interest (ROI) in order to adapt the grid to the ROI. In addition, a technique based on normalized convolution is proposed for the interpolation problem. A new applicability function based on the correlation function of a linear probe is used to avoid inter-resolution cell blurring.
Raúl San José Estépar, Marcos
Added 15 Nov 2009
Updated 15 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Raúl San José Estépar, Marcos Martín-Fernández, Carlos Alberola-López, James Ellsmere, Ron Kikinis, Carl-Fredrik Westin
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