

Frege systems for extensible modal logics

14 years 15 days ago
Frege systems for extensible modal logics
By a well-known result of Cook and Reckhow [4, 12], all Frege systems for the Classical Propositional Calculus (CPC) are polynomially equivalent. Mints and Kojevnikov [11] have recently shown p-equivalence of Frege systems for the Intuitionistic Propositional Calculus (IPC) in the standard language, building on a description of admissible rules of IPC by Iemhoff [8]. We prove a similar result for an infinite family of normal modal logics, including K4, GL, S4, and S4Grz.
Emil Jerábek
Added 10 Dec 2010
Updated 10 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where APAL
Authors Emil Jerábek
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