

FTSCP: An Efficient Distributed Fault-Tolerant Service Composition Protocol for MANETs

14 years 6 months ago
FTSCP: An Efficient Distributed Fault-Tolerant Service Composition Protocol for MANETs
Abstract. Service composition, which enables users to construct complex services from atomic services, is an essential feature for the usability of Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs). Service composition in MANETs should be fault-tolerant and distributed. Efforts in this area are rare and sounds not meet the requirements very well. In this paper, we present a distributed Fault-Tolerant Service Composition Protocol (FTSCP) for MANETs. FTSCP has two main features. Firstly, it is efficient for that all atomic services consisted in a composite service are discovered in just one service discovery session. Secondly, it is fault-tolerant since that service composition process is entirely under the supervision of Execution Coordinator (EC) and inaccessible services can be rediscovered transparently. Both mathematical analysis and simulation results show that FTSCP outperforms another broker-based service composition protocol for MANETs in both terms of packet overhead and promptness.1
Zhen-guo Gao, Sheng Liu, Ming Ji, Jinhua Zhao, Lih
Added 16 Aug 2010
Updated 16 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where HPCC
Authors Zhen-guo Gao, Sheng Liu, Ming Ji, Jinhua Zhao, Lihua Liang
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