

From Functional Analysis to Iterative Methods

13 years 7 months ago
From Functional Analysis to Iterative Methods
We examine condition numbers, preconditioners, and iterative methods for finite element discretizations of coercive PDEs in the context of the fundamental solvability result, the Lax-Milgram Lemma. Working in this Hilbert space context is justified because finite element operators are restrictions of infinite-dimensional Hilbert space operators to finite-dimensional subspaces. Moreover, useful insight is gained as to the relationship between Hilbert space and matrix condition numbers, and translating Hilbert space fixed point iterations into matrix computations provides new ways of motivating and explaining some classic iteration schemes. In this framework, the "simplest" preconditioner for an operator from a Hilbert space into its dual is the Riesz isomorphism. Simple analysis gives spectral bounds and iteration counts bounded independent of the finite element subhosen. Moreover, the abstraction allows us not only to consider Riesz map preconditioning for convection-diffusio...
Robert C. Kirby
Added 21 May 2011
Updated 21 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Robert C. Kirby
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