

Fused Data-Centric Visualizations for Software Evolution Environments

14 years 5 months ago
Fused Data-Centric Visualizations for Software Evolution Environments
During software evolution, several different facets of the system need to be related to one another at multiple levbstraction. Current software evolution tools have limited capabilities for effectively visualizing and evolving multiple system facets in an integrated manner. Many tools provide methods for tracking and relating different levels of ion within a single facet. However it is less well understood how to represent and understand relationships and among different abstraction hierarchies, that is, for inter-hierarchy relations. Often these are represented and explored independently, making them difficult to relate to one another. As a result, engineers are likely to have difficulty understanding how the various facets of a system relate and interact. We describe preliminary results of a collaborative research project between industry and academia to enhance the inter-hierarchy visualization capabilities of an existing software evolution environment called “KLOCwork Suite”...
Jens H. Jahnke, Hausi A. Müller, Andrew Walen
Added 15 Jul 2010
Updated 15 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where IWPC
Authors Jens H. Jahnke, Hausi A. Müller, Andrew Walenstein, Nikolai Mansurov, Kenny Wong
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