

The future of user interface design tools

15 years 6 days ago
The future of user interface design tools
This workshop aims to gather researchers in the field of user interface design tools to identify important themes for the next decade of research. These tools aid in the design and development of interactive systems: they include interface builders, development environments for writing code, and toolkits that provide software architectures and building blocks to aid development. These tools have provided tremendous benefit for the designers and developers of graphical user interfaces. The CHI community has shown that the next generation of user interfaces is moving off the desktop: these emerging interfaces employ novel input techniques such as tangible, haptic, and camera-based interaction, access to vast information repositories and sensor networks, and information presentation to a wide range of devices. In this workshop, we will discuss common themes, conflicting ideas, and future directions for the next generation of software tools that will support ubiquitous computing. Developm...
Dan R. Olsen, Scott R. Klemmer
Added 30 Nov 2009
Updated 30 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where CHI
Authors Dan R. Olsen, Scott R. Klemmer
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