

G-nome surfer: a tabletop interface for collaborative exploration of genomic data

14 years 10 months ago
G-nome surfer: a tabletop interface for collaborative exploration of genomic data
Molecular and computational biologists develop new insights by gathering heterogeneous data from genomic databases and leveraging bioinformatics tools. Through a qualitative study with 17 participants, we found that molecular and computational biologists experience difficulties interpreting, comparing, annotating, sharing, and relating this vast amount of biological information. We further observed that such interactions are critical for forming new scientific hypotheses. These observations motivated the creation of G-nome Surfer, a tabletop interface for collaborative exploration of genomic data that implements multi-touch and tangible interaction techniques. G-nome Surfer was developed in close collaboration with domain scientists and is aimed at lowering the threshold for using bioinformatics tools. A first-use study with 16 participants found that G-nome Surfer enables users to gain biological insights that are based on multiple forms of evidence with minimal overhead. Author K...
Orit Shaer, Guy Kol, Megan Strait, Chloe Fan, Cath
Added 17 May 2010
Updated 17 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where CHI
Authors Orit Shaer, Guy Kol, Megan Strait, Chloe Fan, Catherine Grevet, Sarah Elfenbein
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