

G3PARM: A Grammar Guided Genetic Programming algorithm for mining association rules

14 years 15 days ago
G3PARM: A Grammar Guided Genetic Programming algorithm for mining association rules
— This paper presents the G3PARM algorithm for mining representative association rules. G3PARM is an evolutionary algorithm that uses G3P (Grammar Guided Genetic Programming) and an auxiliary population made up of its best individuals who will then act as parents for the next generation. Due to the nature of G3P, the G3PARM algorithm allows us to obtain valid individuals by defining them through a context-free grammar and, furthermore, this algorithm is generic with respect to data type. We compare our algorithm to two multiobjective algorithms frequently used in literature and known as NSGA2 (Non dominated Sort Genetic Algorithm) and SPEA2 (Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm) and demonstrate the efficiency of our algorithm in terms of running-time, coverage and average support, providing the user with high representative rules.
Jose María Luna, José Raúl Ro
Added 06 Dec 2010
Updated 06 Dec 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where CEC
Authors Jose María Luna, José Raúl Romero, Sebastián Ventura
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