

Gabor noise by example

12 years 2 months ago
Gabor noise by example
Procedural noise is a fundamental tool in Computer Graphics. However, designing noise patterns is hard. In this paper, we present Gabor noise by example, a method to estimate the parameters of bandwidth-quantized Gabor noise, a procedural noise function that can generate noise with an arbitrary power spectrum, from exemplar Gaussian textures, a class of textures that is completely characterized by their power spectrum. More specifically, we introduce (i) bandwidth-quantized Gabor noise, a generalization of Gabor noise to arbitrary power spectra that enables robust parameter estimation and efficient procedural evaluation; (ii) a robust parameter estimation technique for quantized-bandwidth Gabor noise, that automatically decomposes the noisy power spectrum estimate of an exemplar into a sparse sum of Gaussians using non-negative basis pursuit denoising; and (iii) an efficient procedural evaluation scheme for bandwidth-quantized Gabor noise, that uses multi-grid evaluation and import...
Bruno Galerne, Ares Lagae, Sylvain Lefebvre, Georg
Added 28 Sep 2012
Updated 28 Sep 2012
Type Journal
Year 2012
Where TOG
Authors Bruno Galerne, Ares Lagae, Sylvain Lefebvre, George Drettakis
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