

GACS : une approche ascendante pour la coordination spatiale

14 years 11 days ago
GACS : une approche ascendante pour la coordination spatiale
ABSTRACT. The design of spatial coordination mechanisms for dynamical and continuous multiagent setting is a difficult challenge. While the top-down decomposition approach is inefficient on such problems, the bottom-up approach is more promising, but requires a tedious manual parameter tuning which raises scaling-up issues. Our own approach consists in replacing the manual tuning by a specially designed multicriteria evolutionary algorithm devoted to the tuning of our spatial coordination formalism. In this paper, through a quantitative comparison on a complex spatial coordination problem treated previously by Balch and Hybinette, we show that our system, GACS, finds a population of solutions as efficient as this predecessor though our approach requires less involvement from the designers and can find simpler solutions. MOTS-CL
Fabien Flacher, Olivier Sigaud
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where RIA
Authors Fabien Flacher, Olivier Sigaud
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