

A Game-Theoretic Framework for Medium Access Control

14 years 3 months ago
A Game-Theoretic Framework for Medium Access Control
In this paper, we generalize the random access game model, and show that it provides a general game-theoretic framework for designing contention based medium access control. We extend the random access game model to the network with multiple contention measure signals, study the design of random access games, and analyze different distributed algorithms achieving their equilibria. As examples, a series of utility functions is proposed for games achieving the maximum throughput in a network of homogeneous nodes. In a network with n traffic classes, an N-signal game model is proposed which achieves the maximum throughput under the fairness constraint among different traffic classes. In addition, the convergence of different dynamic algorithms such as best response, gradient play and Jacobi play under propagation delay and estimation error is established. Simulation results show that game model based protocols can achieve superior performance over the standard IEEE 802.11 DCF, and compara...
Tao Cui, Lijun Chen, Steven H. Low
Added 13 Dec 2010
Updated 13 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where JSAC
Authors Tao Cui, Lijun Chen, Steven H. Low
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