

A Game-Theoretic Operational Semantics

14 years 1 months ago
A Game-Theoretic Operational Semantics
Abstract-- In this paper we present the communication architecture of the DALI Logic Programming Agent-Oriented language and we discuss its semantics. We have designed a meta-level where the user can specify, via the distinguished tell/told primitives, constraints on communication or even a new protocol. Moreover, the user can define meta-rules for filtering and/or understanding messages via applying ontologies and commonsense/case-based reasoning. Declaratively and procedurally, these forms of meta-reasoning are automatically applied by a form of implicit, logical reflection. Operationally, we define a transition system based on a dialog game syntax. Thus, our operational semantics provides a formal link between the dialog locutions and the DALI semantic mechanisms. We embed the DALI/FIPA locutions and protocol within a framework that filters and interprets messages, without resorting to the definition of "mental states" of the agent. The locutions we consider include the re...
Arianna Tocchio, Stefania Costantini, Alessia Vert
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where WOA
Authors Arianna Tocchio, Stefania Costantini, Alessia Verticchio
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