

GAODE and HAODE: two proposals based on AODE to deal with continuous variables

15 years 19 days ago
GAODE and HAODE: two proposals based on AODE to deal with continuous variables
AODE (Aggregating One-Dependence Estimators) is considered one of the most interesting representatives of the Bayesian classifiers, taking into account not only the low error rate it provides but also its efficiency. Until now, all the attributes in a dataset have had to be nominal to build an AODE classifier or they have had to be previously discretized. In this paper, we propose two different approaches in order to deal directly with numeric attributes. One of them uses conditional Gaussian networks to model a dataset exclusively with numeric attributes; and the other one keeps the superparent on each model discrete and uses univariate Gaussians to estimate the probabilities for the numeric attributes and multinomial distributions for the categorical ones, it also being able to model hybrid datasets. Both of them obtain competitive results compared to AODE, the latter in particular being a very attractive alternative to AODE in numeric datasets.
Ana M. Martínez, José A. Gáme
Added 17 Nov 2009
Updated 17 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ICML
Authors Ana M. Martínez, José A. Gámez, Jose Miguel Puerta, M. Julia Flores
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