

Gene Ontology annotations at SGD: new data sources and annotation methods

14 years 3 months ago
Gene Ontology annotations at SGD: new data sources and annotation methods
The Saccharomyces Genome Database (SGD; http:// collects and organizes biological information about the chromosomal features and gene products of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Although published data from traditional experimental methods are the primary sources of evidence supporting Gene Ontology (GO) annotations for a gene product, high-throughput experiments and computational predictions can also provide valuable insights in the absence of an extensive body of literature. Therefore, GO annotations available at SGD now include high-throughput data as well as computational predictions provided by the GO Annotation Project (GOA UniProt; Because the annotation method used to assign GO annotations varies by data source, GO resources at SGD have been modified to distinguish data sources and annotation methods. In addition to providing information for genes that have not been experimentally characterized, GO annotations from ...
Eurie L. Hong, Rama Balakrishnan, Qing Dong, Karen
Added 14 Dec 2010
Updated 14 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2008
Where NAR
Authors Eurie L. Hong, Rama Balakrishnan, Qing Dong, Karen R. Christie, Julie Park, Gail Binkley, Maria C. Costanzo, Selina S. Dwight, Stacia R. Engel, Dianna G. Fisk, Jodi E. Hirschman, Benjamin C. Hitz, Cynthia J. Krieger, Michael S. Livstone, Stuart R. Miyasato, Robert S. Nash, Rose Oughtred, Marek S. Skrzypek, Shuai Weng, Edith D. Wong, Kathy K. Zhu, Kara Dolinski, David Botstein, J. Michael Cherry
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