

Gene Ontology Friendly Biclustering of Expression Profiles

14 years 4 months ago
Gene Ontology Friendly Biclustering of Expression Profiles
The soundness of clustering in the analysis of gene expression profiles and gene function prediction is based on the hypothesis that genes with similar expression profiles may imply strong correlations with their functions in the biological activities. Gene Ontology (GO) has become a well accepted standard in organizing gene function categories. Different gene function categories in GO can have very sophisticated relationships, such as 'part of' and 'overlapping'. Until now, no clustering algorithm can generate gene clusters within which the relationships can naturally reflect those of gene function categories in the GO hierarchy. The failure in resembling the relationships may reduce the confidence of clustering in gene function prediction. In this paper, we present a new clustering technique, Smart Hierarchical Tendency Preserving clustering (SHTP-clustering), based on a bicluster model, Tendency Preserving cluster (TP-Cluster). By directly incorporating Gene Ont...
Jinze Liu, Wei Wang 0010, Jiong Yang
Added 20 Aug 2010
Updated 20 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where CSB
Authors Jinze Liu, Wei Wang 0010, Jiong Yang
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