

On the Genealogy of Asexual Diploids

14 years 8 months ago
On the Genealogy of Asexual Diploids
Given molecular genetic data from diploid individuals that, at present, reproduce mostly or exclusively asexually without recombination, an important problem in evolutionary biology is detecting evidence of past sexual reproduction (i.e., meiosis and mating) and recombination (both meiotic and mitotic). However, currently there is a lack of computational tools for carrying out such a study. In this paper, we formulate a new problem of reconstructing diploid genealogies under the assumption of no sexual reproduction or recombination, with the ultimate goal being to devise genealogy-based tools for testing deviation from these assumptions. We first consider the infinite-sites model of mutation and develop linear-time algorithms to test the existence of an asexual diploid genealogy compatible with the infinite-sites model of mutation, and to construct one if it exists. Then, we relax the infinite-sites assumption and develop an integer linear programming formulation to reconstruct ase...
Fumei Lam, Charles H. Langley, Yun S. Song
Added 28 May 2010
Updated 28 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Authors Fumei Lam, Charles H. Langley, Yun S. Song
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