

Generalized multicast congestion control

14 years 3 months ago
Generalized multicast congestion control
Efficient multicast congestion control (MCC) is one of the critical components required to enable the IP multicast deployment over the Internet. Previously proposed MCC schemes can be categorized in two: single-rate or multi-rate. Single-rate schemes make all recipients get data at a common rate allowed by the slowest receiver, but are relatively simple. Multi-rate schemes allow of heterogeneous receive rates and thus provide better scalability, but rely heavily on frequent updates to group membership state in the routers. A recent work by Kwon and Byers, combined these two methods and provided a multi-rate scheme by means of single-rate schemes with relatively low complexity. In this paper, we propose a new scheme called generalized multicast congestion control (GMCC). GMCC provides multi-rate features at low complexity by using a set of independent single-rate sub-sessions (a.k.a layers) as building blocks. The scheme is named GMCC because single-rate MCC is just one of its special ...
Jiang Li, Murat Yuksel, Xingzhe Fan, Shivkumar Kal
Added 12 Dec 2010
Updated 12 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where CN
Authors Jiang Li, Murat Yuksel, Xingzhe Fan, Shivkumar Kalyanaraman
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