

Generalizing WYSIWYT visual testing to screen transition languages

14 years 7 months ago
Generalizing WYSIWYT visual testing to screen transition languages
ct How can rigorous forms of testing be supported in a way that is both compatible with the visual aspect of visual programming languages, and usable by the audiences using those languages — even when the audience has no background in software engineering? Visual programs are likely to contain at least some errors, and supporting a visual form of testing would give users a way to spot those errors early in the program’s life. In previous work, we have developed a visual testing methodology known as WYSIWYT, for use in visual spreadsheet languages, and in this work, we show formally that this methodology can be generalized to screen transition diagrams. The algorithms and accompanying proof of the coverage equivalence that they ensure provide the mechanisms needed for the screen transition paradigm to incorporate WYSIWYT testing for both professional and end-user programming audiences.
Darren Brown, Margaret M. Burnett, Gregg Rothermel
Added 05 Jul 2010
Updated 05 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Where VL
Authors Darren Brown, Margaret M. Burnett, Gregg Rothermel, Hamido Fujita, Fumio Negoro
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