

Generating precise and concise procedure summaries

15 years 18 days ago
Generating precise and concise procedure summaries
We present a framework for generating procedure summaries that are precise -- applying the summary in a given context yields the same result as re-analyzing the procedure in that context, and concise -- the summary exploits the commonalities in the ways edure manipulates abstract values, and does not contain superfluous context information. The use of a precise and concise procedure summary in modular analyses provides a way to capture infinitely many possible contexts in a finite way; in interprocedural analyses, it provides a compact representation of an explicit input-output summary table without loss of precision. e a class of abstract domains and transformers for which precise and concise summaries can be efficiently generated using our framework. Our framework is rich enough to encode a wide range of problems, including all IFDS and IDE problems. In addition, we show how the framework is instantiated to provide novel solutions to two hard problems: modular linear constant propag...
Greta Yorsh, Eran Yahav, Satish Chandra
Added 03 Dec 2009
Updated 03 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where POPL
Authors Greta Yorsh, Eran Yahav, Satish Chandra
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