

Generating Spatial Descriptions for Cross-modal References

14 years 1 months ago
Generating Spatial Descriptions for Cross-modal References
We present a localisation component that supports the generation of cross-modal deictic expressions in the knowledge-based presentation system WIP. We deal with relative localisations (e.g., "The object to the left, of object X."), absolute localisations (e.g., "The object in the upl)er left part of the l)icture.") and corner localisations (e.g., "The object in the lower right corner of the l)icture"). In addition, we distinguish two localisation granularities, one less detailed (e.g., "the object to the left.of object X.") and one more detailed (e.g., "the object above and to the left. of object X."). We consider corner localisations to be similar to absolute localisations and in turn absolute localisations to be specialisations of relative localisations. This allows us to compute all three localisation types with one generic localisation procedure. As elementary localisations are derived from previously computed composite localisatio...
Peter Wazinski
Added 06 Nov 2010
Updated 06 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1992
Where ANLP
Authors Peter Wazinski
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