

A Generic API for Retrieving Human-Oriented Information from Social Network Services

14 years 6 months ago
A Generic API for Retrieving Human-Oriented Information from Social Network Services
A unique type of Web service, called a Social Network Service (SNS), first appeared in 2003. Some researches suggested a method to extract meaningful information from SNSs. Such meaningful information helps computers to understand human interests, concerns, and perceptions. We consider that socially aware computing has the potential to lead a new type of metric such human oriented information to access control, searches, and suggestions for contents. Accordingly, in this paper we propose the access Application Programmable Interface (API) to find human-oriented information from outside a given SNS. We use the result of experiments on the API to demonstrate a network comprising relationships among communities. The results reveal that our proposed method can support developers in creating socially aware applications with SNSs.
Teruaki Yokoyama, Shigeru Kashihara, Takeshi Okuda
Added 04 Jun 2010
Updated 04 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Teruaki Yokoyama, Shigeru Kashihara, Takeshi Okuda, Youki Kadobayashi, Suguru Yamaguchi
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