

Generic Face Alignment using Boosted Appearance Model

15 years 2 months ago
Generic Face Alignment using Boosted Appearance Model
This paper proposes a discriminative framework for efficiently aligning images. Although conventional Active Appearance Models (AAM)-based approaches have achieved some success, they suffer from the generalization problem, i.e., how to align any image with a generic model. We treat the iterative image alignment problem as a process of maximizing the score of a trained two-class classifier that is able to distinguish correct alignment (positive class) from incorrect alignment (negative class). During the modeling stage, given a set of images with ground truth landmarks, we train a conventional Point Distribution Model (PDM) and a boosting-based classifier, which we call Boosted Appearance Model (BAM). When tested on an image with the initial landmark locations, the proposed algorithm iteratively updates the shape parameters of the PDM via the gradient ascent method such that the classification score of the warped image is maximized. The proposed framework is applied to the face alignme...
Xiaoming Liu 0002
Added 12 Oct 2009
Updated 12 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where CVPR
Authors Xiaoming Liu 0002
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