

A generic multi-robot coordination strategic layer

14 years 6 months ago
A generic multi-robot coordination strategic layer
—Managing a team of heterogeneous robots in a dynamic environment poses a challenging job. In this paper a model for a multi-purpose, real-time, adaptable, strategical coordination layer is presented. Based on previous work developed for the RoboCup Soccer simulation, small-size, middlesize and legged leagues, a generic coordination model was built. As both centralized and distributed environment are handled by the layer, communication was an important factor to consider only introducing a minor overhead. A multi-level hierarchical approach was followed with hybrid methods used to switch between concepts. The model was tested with two strategy instances, RoboCup Rescue Simulation and RoboCup Soccer. Strategies are designed with the help of a graphical tool. Results achieved by the team in RoboCup Rescue and Soccer Simulation competitions demonstrate the usefulness of this approach.
João Certo, Nuno Lau, Luís Paulo Rei
Added 06 Jun 2010
Updated 06 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors João Certo, Nuno Lau, Luís Paulo Reis
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