

Generic Peer-to-Peer Support for a Personal Service Platform

14 years 5 months ago
Generic Peer-to-Peer Support for a Personal Service Platform
Building on previous work of the OASIS group at SICS, this paper presents a generic peer-to-peer system for the sView personal service platform. The sView platform provides each user with a personal service briefcase from which services may be reached using a variety of devices and interfaces. With the peer-to-peer system, called Briefcase Connectivity, we leverage the community of all sView users, the ultimate purpose of which is to simplify the propagation of cooperating services, to enable users to become individual service providers, and to bring to the users a greater number of specialized services. We suggest that sView with Briefcase Connectivity and today’s electronic services demonstrate a viable model to make a step toward tomorrow’s ubiquitous computing.
Fredrik Espinoza, Lucas Hinz
Added 05 Jul 2010
Updated 05 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2003
Authors Fredrik Espinoza, Lucas Hinz
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