

Generic Skills in Software Engineering Master Thesis Projects: Towards Rubric-Based Evaluation

14 years 9 months ago
Generic Skills in Software Engineering Master Thesis Projects: Towards Rubric-Based Evaluation
There has been much recent interest in how to help students in higher education develop their generic skills, especially since this is a focus of the Bologna process that aims to standardize European higher education. However, even though the Master thesis is the final and often crucial part of a graduate degree and requires many generic skills very little research has directly focused on them. In particular, there is a lack of such knowledge for engineering education programs. In this paper we present results from a survey where we asked 23 students from three different Swedish universities about which generic skills are needed and developed in a Master thesis project in Software Engineering. One outcome of our analysis is that there is a lack of understanding on how to define, and thus examine, generic skills in software engineering thesis projects.
Robert Feldt, Martin Höst, Frank Lüders
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CSEE
Authors Robert Feldt, Martin Höst, Frank Lüders
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