

A Gentle Introduction to Multi-stage Programming

16 years 22 days ago
A Gentle Introduction to Multi-stage Programming
Multi-stage programming (MSP) is a paradigm for developing generic software that does not pay a runtime penalty for this generality. This is achieved through concise, carefully-designed language extensions that support runtime code generation and program execution. Additionally, type systems for MSP languages are designed to statically ensure that dynamically generated programs are type-safe, and therefore require no type checking after they are generated. This hands-on tutorial is aimed at the reader interested in learning the basics of MSP practice. The tutorial uses a freely available MSP extension of OCaml called MetaOCaml, and presents a detailed analysis of the issues that arise in staging an interpreter for a small programming language. The tutorial concludes with pointers to various resources that can be used to probe further into related topics.
Walid Taha
Added 09 Feb 2009
Updated 09 Feb 2009
Type Journal
Year 2004
Where DSPG
Authors Walid Taha
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