

Geographically-aware information retrieval for collections of digitized historical maps

14 years 4 months ago
Geographically-aware information retrieval for collections of digitized historical maps
DIGMAP is a project focused on historical digitized maps that will develop a set of Internet services based on reusable open-source software solutions. The main service will provide discovery and access to resources related to historical cartography, based on metadata from European national libraries and other relevant third part providers. These resources will comprise both physical and digitized objects. In the case of digitized maps, available metadata will be enriched by automatic and semi-automatic processes that will try to extract relevant indexing information from the images of the digitized maps, as also from any kind of associated text. This paper presents an early overview on the project, particularly focusing on the aspects related to geographical information retrieval. Categories and Subject Descriptors H.3.7 [Digital Libraries]: System Issues; User Issues Keywords Geographic IR, Digital Libraries, Historical Maps General Terms Design
Bruno Martins, José Luis Borbinha, Gilberto
Added 16 Aug 2010
Updated 16 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where GIR
Authors Bruno Martins, José Luis Borbinha, Gilberto Pedrosa, João Gil, Nuno Freire
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