

Geometric Ideas for Cryptographic Equation Solving in Even Characteristic

14 years 7 months ago
Geometric Ideas for Cryptographic Equation Solving in Even Characteristic
Abstract. The GeometricXL algorithm is a geometrically invariant version of the XL algorithm that uses polynomials of a much smaller degree than either a standard Groebner basis algorithm or an XL algorithm for certain multivariate equation systems. However, the GeometricXL algorithm as originally described is not well-suited to fields of even characteristic. This paper discusses adaptations of the GeometricXL algorithm to even characteristic, in which the solution to a multivariate system is found by finding a matrix of low rank in the linear span of a collection of matrices. These adaptations of the GeometricXL algorithm, termed the EGHAM process, also use polynomials of a much smaller degree than a Groebner basis or an XL algorithm for certain equation systems. Furthermore, the paper gives a criterion which generally makes a Groebner basis or standard XL algorithm more efficient in many cryptographic situations.
Sean Murphy, Maura B. Paterson
Added 26 May 2010
Updated 26 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where IMA
Authors Sean Murphy, Maura B. Paterson
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