

Geometrical Probability Covering Algorithm

14 years 6 months ago
Geometrical Probability Covering Algorithm
Abstract. In this paper, we propose a novel classification algorithm, called geometrical probability covering (GPC) algorithm, to improve classification ability. On the basis of geometrical properties of data, the proposed algorithm first forms extended prototypes through computing means of any two prototypes in the same class. Then Gaussian kernel is employed for covering the geometrical structure of data and used as a local probability measurement. By computing the sum of the probabilities that a new sample to be classified to the set of prototypes and extended prototypes, the classified criterion based on the global probability measurement is achieved. The proposed GPC algorithm is simple but powerful, especially, when training samples are sparse and small size. Experiments on several databases show that the proposed algorithm is promising. Also, we explore other potential applications such as outlier removal with the proposed GPC algorithm.
Junping Zhang, Stan Z. Li, Jue Wang
Added 27 Jun 2010
Updated 27 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where FSKD
Authors Junping Zhang, Stan Z. Li, Jue Wang
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