

Getting to Know Your Student in Distance Learning Contexts

14 years 4 months ago
Getting to Know Your Student in Distance Learning Contexts
Abstract. Good teachers know their students, and exploit this knowledge to adapt or optimise their instruction. Teachers know their students because they interact with them face-to-face in classroom or one-to-one tutoring sessions. They can build student models, for instance, by exploiting the multi-faceted nature of human-human communication. In distance-learning environments, teacher and student have to cope with the lack of such direct interaction, and this must have detrimental effects for both teacher and student. In this paper, we investigate the need of teachers for tracking student actions in computer-mediated settings. We report on a teacher's questionnaire that we devised to identify the needs of teachers to make distance learning a less detached experience. Our analysis of the teachers' responses shows that there is a preference for information that relates to student performance (e.g., success rate in exercises, mastery level for a concept, skill, or method) and a...
Claus Zinn, Oliver Scheuer
Added 22 Aug 2010
Updated 22 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Claus Zinn, Oliver Scheuer
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