

Global Detection of Salient Convex Boundaries

14 years 2 months ago
Global Detection of Salient Convex Boundaries
As an important geometric property of many structures or structural components, convexity plays an important role in computer vision and image understanding. In this paper, we describe a general approach that can force various edge-grouping algorithms to detect only convex structures from a set of boundary fragments. The basic idea is to remove some fragments and fragment connections so that, on the remaining ones, a prototype edge-grouping algorithm that detects closed boundaries without the convexity constraint can only produce convex closed boundaries. We show that this approach takes polynomial time and preserves the grouping optimality by not excludinganyvalidconvexboundaryfromthesearchspace.Choosingtherecentlydevelopedratio-contouralgorithm as the prototype grouping algorithm, we develop a new convex-grouping algorithm, which can detect convex salient boundaries with good continuity and proximity in a globally optimal fashion. To facilitate the application of this convex-grouping...
Song Wang, Joachim S. Stahl, Adam Bailey, Michael
Added 15 Dec 2010
Updated 15 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where IJCV
Authors Song Wang, Joachim S. Stahl, Adam Bailey, Michael Dropps
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