

Global Slope Change Synopses for Measurement Maps

13 years 10 months ago
Global Slope Change Synopses for Measurement Maps
Quality control using scalar quality measures is standard practice in manufacturing. However, there are also quality measures that are determined at a large number of positions on a product, since the spatial distribution is important. We denote such a mapping of local coordinates on the product to values of a measure as a measurement map. In this paper, we examine how measurement maps can be clustered according to a novel notion of similarity-mapscape similarity--that considers the overall course of the measure on the map. We present a class of synopses called global slope change that uses the profile of the measure along several lines from a reference point to different points on the borders to represent a measurement map. We conduct an evaluation of global slope change using a real-world data set from manufacturing and demonstrate its superiority over other synopses. Keywords-measurement map; mapscape similarity; synopsis;
Frank Rosenthal, Ulrike Fischer, Peter Benjamin Vo
Added 18 Feb 2011
Updated 18 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2009
Where ICDM
Authors Frank Rosenthal, Ulrike Fischer, Peter Benjamin Volk, Wolfgang Lehner
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