

Goal-Driven Collaborative Filtering - A Directional Error Based Approach

14 years 3 months ago
Goal-Driven Collaborative Filtering - A Directional Error Based Approach
Collaborative filtering is one of the most effective techniques for making personalized content recommendation. In the literature, a common experimental setup in the modeling phase is to minimize, either explicitly or implicitly, the (expected) error between the predicted ratings and the true user ratings, while in the evaluation phase, the resulting model is again assessed by that error. In this paper, we argue that defining an error function that is fixed across rating scales is however limited, and different applications may have different recommendation goals thus error functions. For example, in some cases, we might be more concerned about the highly predicted items than the ones with low ratings (precision minded), while in other cases, we want to make sure not to miss any highly rated items (recall minded). Additionally, some applications might require to produce a top-N recommendation list, where the rank-based performance measure becomes valid. To address this issue, we propos...
Tamas Jambor, Jun Wang
Added 29 Oct 2010
Updated 29 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where ECIR
Authors Tamas Jambor, Jun Wang
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