

Is this a good title?

14 years 6 months ago
Is this a good title?
Missing web pages, URIs that return the 404 “Page Not Found” error or the HTTP response code 200 but dereference unexpected content, are ubiquitous in today’s browsing experience. We use Internet search engines to relocate such missing pages and provide means that help automate the rediscovery process. We propose querying web pages’ titles against search engines. We investigate the retrieval performance of titles and compare them to lexical signatures which are derived from the pages’ content. Since titles naturally represent the content of a document they intuitively change over time. We measure the edit distance between current titles and titles of copies of the same pages obtained from the Internet Archive and display their evolution. We further investigate the correlation between title changes and content modifications of a web page over time. Lastly we provide a predictive model for the quality of any given web page title in terms of its discovery performance. Our resu...
Martin Klein, Jeffery L. Shipman, Michael L. Nelso
Added 10 Jul 2010
Updated 10 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where HT
Authors Martin Klein, Jeffery L. Shipman, Michael L. Nelson
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