

The Grammatical Function Analysis between Adnoun Clause and Noun Phrase in Korean

14 years 6 months ago
The Grammatical Function Analysis between Adnoun Clause and Noun Phrase in Korean
This research focuses on analysis of the grammatical functions between an adnoun clause and a noun phrase in Korean. The key task is to determine the relation between two constituents in terms of one of the various functional categories such as subject, object, complement, and appositive. The problem is mainly caused by the fact that functional morpheme, crucial for identifying the relation, is not used in the noun phrase. We propose a statistical method in determining the grammatical functions. A tagged corpus is used for training a new model and a smoothing technique known as "backed off" is employed to tackle the data sparse problem. As experimental tests prove our model to be useful, we make it assist error detection of parsing results.
Songwook Lee, Tae-Yeoub Jang, Jungyun Seo
Added 30 Jul 2010
Updated 30 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2001
Authors Songwook Lee, Tae-Yeoub Jang, Jungyun Seo
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